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Ph.D. Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO Professor at Tokyo Denki University Dept. of Info. and Comm. Eng., School of Engineering Visiting professor at Tokyo Metropolitan University 101-8457, Room 1107A, Bld. 11, Dept. of Eng.,Tokyo Denki University, 2-2, Kanda-Nishiki-cho, Chiyoda, Tokyo Tel(fax): 03 (5280) 3339 E-mail: |
1980 M.E., Dept. of Math. Eng. and Info. Physics, School of Eng., The University of Tokyo1995 Ph.D, The University of Tokyo
2001- Professor at Tokyo Denki University
Research Field
Linguistics, Psychology, Artificial IntelligenceThe below is under construction !!
Committee and Director
A councilor, The Japanese Society for Artificial
IntelligenceA councilor, A committee of the planning board, Japan Association for Philosophy of Science
A manager, Subcommittee Meeting of Cognitive Development Theory,
Japan Society of Developmental Psychology
A member of Special Section on Natural Computation, The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (2001-2003)
Music, SkiHome City
TokyoNewspaper and TV, etc. in japanese
- The Mainichi Daily News, 今週の本棚:藤森照信・評 『日本人の脳に主語はいらない』=月本洋・著(JPN), 2008/04/27
- Hokuriku Chunichi News, コンピュータが共感, 2006/08/22
- Tokyo MX TV Galileo Channel, ロボットに想像力を!~月本洋が語ることばとからだ, 2005/07
- Daily Yomiuri, Robot's Mind, 2003/01
- Tokyo FM Broadcasting, ロボットのこころ, 2002/11
- Daily Yomiuri, ロボットのこころ(下図), 2002/11
- Nikkei Newspaper, 脳の研究, 2000
Books in japanese
- 日本語は論理的である, Kodansha, July 2009.
- 日本人の脳に主語はいらない, Kodansha, April 2008.
- 脳機能画像解析入門, Ishiyaku Publishing, April 2007. (in collaboration with Yoshiaki KIKUCHI, Atsushi SENO, Masahiro ABO, Osamu WATANABE, Kyozo YONEMOTO)
- やさしい確率・情報・データマイニング, Morikita Publishing, May 2004. (in collaboration with Kazunori MATSUMOTO)
- 想像-心と身体の接点-, Nakanishiya Shuppan, Dec. 2003. (in collaboration with Izumi UEHARA)
- ロボットのこころMorikita Publishing, 2002.
It was introduced by the evening newspaper of Daily Yomiuri (Osaka headquarters), Nov. 11.
It was introduced by SUZUKI today's key number of the Tokyo FM Broadcasting, Nov. 26. - 「Connectionism as Symbolicism:Artificial Neural Networks as Symbols」,Sanshusha,2001.(森田千絵と共著)
- 「記号的人工知能の限界」 in 「心とは何か-心理学と諸科学の対話」, Kitaohji Shobo, pp.110-143, 2001. (in collaboration with Jiro ADACHI, Tsuneo WATANABE, Masato ISHIKAWA)
- 「実践データマイニング」, Ohmsha, 1999.
A Chapter in Book in japanese.
- 感情とクオリアを巡って, 感情とクオリアの謎, p.73-100, Showado, Mar. 2008.
- 身体運動意味論-意味論の実験科学に向けて-, メタファー研究の最前線, pp.83-102, Hitsuzi Syobo, May 2007.
- ロボットに想像力を, パートナーロボット資料集成, pp.444-456, NTS.
- ロボットが言葉を理解するには (3.1), パターン・記号統合, Maruzen, Feb. 2004.
- 言語機能における記号主義とコネクショニズムの統合-ロボットにことばを理解させるには- (第7章), 心の科学と哲学, Showado, Jul. 2003.
- 「データマイニングによる銘柄発掘」in 「株・ヒット銘柄100」, pp.164-176, Toyo Keizai.
Commerce Magazine and Explanation, etc. in japanese.
- "株式の予測について", Information Processing, 2006.
- "身体運動意味論: 言語・イメージ・身体", Gendai-Shiso, pp.180-191, Feb. 2005.
- "「ニューロラルな視点からの挑戦」へのコメント", Journal of JSAI, Vol.16, No.6, pp.849-851, 2001.
- "予測モデルからのルール抽出" in "bit別冊 発見科学とデータマイニング", 2000.
- "プラント制御ソフトウエア用CASE", Toshiba Review, Vol.49, No.9, pp.667-669, 1994.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO, Itaru TANIMOTO: "制御用ソフトウエアの生産技術 第1章 フィードバック制御", Journal of IEE, pp.649-652, 1993.
Society Thesis with screening, etc.
- Masayoshi SHIBATA, Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO: "How to make a feeling in neural networks", Annals of the Chubu Society of Philosophy, Vol.39, p.1-18, 2007
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO, Nobuhiro TAKESAKO: "身体運動意味論の展開(I)-実験認知言語学の予備的実験-", Journal of the Japanese Cognitive Linguistics Association, Vol.5, pp.358-366, 2005.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO, "Embodied Semantics", Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, No.104, pp.31-40, 2005.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto; Logical Regression Analysis : From mathematical formulas to linguistic rules, Foundations and Advances in Data Mining, pp.21-61, Springer, 2005.
- HIroshi TSUKIMOTO: "身体運動意味論-実験認知言語学に向けて-", Journal of the Japan Association for Philosophy of Science, Vol.4, pp.45-54, 2004.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto, Mitsuru Kakimoto, Chie Morita, and Yoshiaki Kikuchi: Nonparametric regression analysis of functional brain images, Systems and Computers in Japan}, Vol. 35, No.1, pp.67-78,SCRIPTA TECHNICA, INC., 2004.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto, Hisaaki Hatano:The functional localization of neural networks using genetic algorithms, Neural Networks,2003.(To appear)
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto,Mitsuru Kakimoto,Chie Morita,Yoshiaki Kikuchi: Non-Parametric regression analysis of functional brain images, System and Computers in Japan,2003.(To appear)
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO, Chie MORITA: "Nonmonotonic Reasoning by Neural Networks", JPSJ Journal,Vol.43, No.8, 2739-2747, 2002.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto,Mitsuru Kakimoto,Chie Morita,Yoshiaki Kikuchi: Rule Discovery from fMRI Brain Images by Logical Regression Analysus, Progress in Discovery Science, pp.232-245,Springer-Verlag,2002.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO, Mitsuru KAKIMOTO, Chie MORITA and Yoshiaki KIKUCHI: "Nonparametric Regression Analysis of Functional Brain Images", Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J84-DII, No.12, pp.2623-2633, 2001.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO and Makoto SATO: "Conceptual Clustering Algorithms Using Regression Analysis", Trans. of JSAI, Vol.16, No.3, pp.344-352, 2001.
- Chie MORITA, Mitsuru KAKIMOTO, Yoshiaki KIKUCHI and Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO: "Knowledge Discovery from Functional Brain Images by Logical Regression Analysis", Journal of JSAI, Vol.16, No.2, pp.212-219, 2001.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto:Pattern Reasoning;Logical Reasoning of Neural Networks, Systems and Computers in Japan,pp.1-10,SCRIPTA TECHNICA, INC.,2001.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto:Symbol pattern integration using multiliner functions, Deep Fusion of Computational and Symbolic Processing,T. Furuhashi, S.Tano, and H.A.Jacobsen eds., pp.41-70,Springer-Verlag,2001.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO: "コネクショニズムを超えて-Embodied AI-", Journal of the Philosophy of Science Society, Vol.33, No.2, pp.29-41, 2000.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Extracting Rules from Trained Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vo.11, No.2, pp.377-389, 2000.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO: "Pattern Reasoning:Logical Reasoning of Neural Networks", Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J83-D-II No.2, pp.744-753, 2000.
- Chie Morita and Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Knowledge discovery from numerical data, Knowledge-based Systems, Vol.10, No.7, pp. 413-419, 1998.
- Chie MORITA, Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO: "Inductive Learning from Probability Distributions Using Maximum Likelihood Method and the Principle of Indifference", Journal of JSAI, No.12, Vol.2, pp. 297-304, 1997.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto, Chie Morita, and Nobuhiro Shimogori: An Inductive Learning Algorithm Based on Regression Analysis, Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.28, No.3, pp.62-70, SCRIPTA TECHNICA, INC., 1997.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO, Nobuhiro SHIMOGORI and Bunjiro TAKASHIMA: The Structural Analysis of Neural Networks Using Multilinear Functions, Trans of IEICE, Vol.J79-D-II No.7, pp.1271-1279, 1996.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO, Chie MORITA and Nobuhiro SHIMOGORI: "An Inductive Learning Algorithm Based on Regression Analysis", Trans of IEICE, Vol.J79-D-II No.7, pp.1244-1251, 1996.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO: "Logical Reasoning of Probability Distributions by Intuitionistic Logic", Journal of JSAI, Vol.11 No.2, pp. 273-279, 1996.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto and Chie Morita: Efficient algorithms for inductive learning-An application of multi-linear functions to inductive learning, Machine Intelligence 14, pp.427-449, Oxford University Press, 1995.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO: "Symbol Processing as Approximation of Pattern Processing", Trans of IEICE, Vol.J78-D-II No.2, pp. 333-339, 1995.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto: On Continuously Valued Logical Functions Satisfying All Axioms of Classical Logic, Systems and Computers in Japan, Vol.25, No.12, pp.33-41, SCRIPTA TECHNICA, INC., 1995.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO: 古典論理の全ての公理を満たす連続値論理関数について, Trans. of IEICE, Vol.J77-D-I No.3, pp.247-252, 1994.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto and Chie Morita: The Discovery of Propositions in Noisy Data, Machine Intelligence 13, pp.143-167, Oxford University Press, 1994.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO: "The Discovery of Logical Propositions in Numerical Data", Journal of JSAI, Vol.8, No.6, pp.752-759, 1993.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO: "A Nonclassical Logical Model for the Representation of Uncertain Knowledge", Journal of JSAI, Vol.8,No.3, pp.367-376, 1993.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO: "Inductive Learning from Probabilistic Data", Journal of JSAI, Vol.7, No.5,pp.870-876, 1992.
- Hiroshi TSUKIMOTO: "A Topological Model for Propositional Logics", Trans. of IPSJ, Vol.31, No.6, pp.783-791, 1990.
International Conferences
- H. Tsukimoto: A Model Matching Design Method for Sequence Control Systems, Proc. of the IEEE Inter. Conf. on Sys., Man and Cybern., pp.501-506, 1991.
- H. Tsukimoto: The Discovery of Logical Propositions in Numerical Data, Proce. of AAAI'94 Workshop on Knowledge Discovery in Databases, pp. 205-216, 1994.
- Y. Namioka, H. Tsukimoto, H. Mizutani and T. Matsudaira: Planning-based Visual Programming System for Sequence Control, Proc. of the 11th Conf. on Artificial Intelligence for Applications, pp.186-195, IEEE Computer Society Press, 1995.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto: The space of multi-linear functions as models of logics and its applications, { it Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Non-Standard Logic and Logical Aspects of Computer Science}, 1995.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto: An Algorithm for Extracting Propositions from Trained Neural Networks Using Multilinear Functions, { it Rules and Networks, Proceedings of the Rule Extraction from Trained Artificial Neural Networks Workshop, AISB'96}, pp.103-114, Queensland University of Technology, 1996.
- Chie Morita and Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Knowledge Discovery from Numerical Data, { it Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems(IEA-AIE'96)}, pp.425-430, 1996.
- Chie Morita and Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Knowledge discovery from numerical data, { it The First Pacific-Asia International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'97)}, pp.124-137, 1997.
- H. Tsukimoto: Extracting Propositions from Trained Neural Networks, { it Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-97)}, pp.1098-1105, 1997.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto and Chie Morita: The discovery of rules from brain images,{ it The First International Conference on Discovery Science}, pp.198-209, 1998.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Rule extraction from prediction models,Invited to { it The Third Pacific-Asia International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (PAKDD'99)}, pp.34-43, 1999.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Pattern Reasoning:A New Solution for Knowledge Acquisition Problem, { it The Seventh International Workshop on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining, and Granular-Soft Computing}, pp.324-333, 1999.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Embodied Ontologies:Ontologies for Real Agents, { it The First Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology}, pp. 162-171, 1999.
- Mitsuru Kakimoto, Chie Morita, Yoshiaki Kikuchi, and Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Data Mining from Functional Brain Images,{ it Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Multimeia Data Mining,MDM/KDD2000}, pp. 91-97, 2000.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto, Mitsuru Kakimoto, Chie Morita, Yoshiaki Kikuchi, Eiko Hatakeyama, Yoshifumi Miyazaki: Knowledge Discovery from fMRI Brain Images by Logical Regression Analysis, LNAI 1967 { it The Proceedings of The Third International Conference on Discovery Science}, pp.212-224, 2000.
- Makoto Sato and Hiroshi Tsukimoto:Rule Extraction from Neural Networks via Decision Tree Induction, Neural Networks, 2001. Proceedings. IJCNN '01. International Joint Conference on , Volume: 3 , 15-19 July 2001 Pages:1870 - 1875 vol.3
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Embodied AI:Symbol grounding through imagination,{ it AAAI Fall Symposium on Anchoring Symbols to Sensor Data in Single and Multiple Robot Systems},pp.67-74,2001.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Logical Regression Analysis:From mathematical formulas to linguistic rules, Invited to { it IEEE ICDM02 Workshop Proceedings, The Foundation of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery(FDM02)},pp.59-79,2002.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Extracting understandable rules from mathematical formulas:Logical Regression Analysis, Invited to { it ECAI04 Chance Discovery Workshop},2004
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto:The analysis of fMRI images by logical regression analysis, ESMRMB, 2004.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto:Extracting propositions of nonclassical logics from trained neural networks,{ it IEEE ICDM04 Workshop Proceedings, The Foundation of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery(FDM04)},2004
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto:FMRI Data Analysis by Logical Regression Analysis,HBM(Human Brain Mapping 2005,2005.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Embodied Semantics:Towards Experimental Cognitive Linguistics, 9th International Cognitive Linguistics Conference, pp.325, 2005.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto: Autonomous Speech Understanding Based on Artificial Imagination: Embodied AI Based on Embodied Semantics and Embodied Architecture, The 3rd International Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, SS5-3,2005.
- S. Nagataki, H. Tsukimoto, M. Shibata, H. Hattori, H. Ito, T. Mino, A. Shimojima, N. Shinohara, and T. Kashiwabata: A Primitive Emotion and Its Cooperative Function Simulated in Neural Networks: Towards a Theory of Emotions as Cognitive Functions, The International Society for Research on Emotion (ISRE) Atlanta 2006 Conference.
- Hiroshi Tsukimoto Tomoyuki Okamoto1, Yoshiaki Kikuchi, Atsushi Senoo;The analysis of fMRI data using DTI, HBM(Human Brain Mapping)2007,2007.